Monday, May 30, 2011

Prioritizing A Person

How many times have you felt comfortable with some that you prioritized that person into your list of VIP people?
How many times have you gone out of your ways just to make that one person happy, comfortable or anything
And how many times, have that person - that you favoured - has not returned your feelings
Not that you'd ask them directly but it would have been nice of them to do so

This could be due to many probabilities
1. That person has reasonable important priorities than you
2. That person has unreasonable priorities (from your point of view) and you're not in them
3. That person is not a decent person
4. That person has communication issues

So what you need to conclude and accept is:
1. Just because this person is special to you, doesn’t necessary mean that you are to them
2. Maybe you're a priority on the person's list, but there are far more important things before you. And you can’t blame them for that
3. Maybe that person doesn't priorities you at all, and in that case you may need to re-evaluate his position on your priority list
4. Maybe .............

This is what happens when you automatically think that the person in front of you reciprocates your feelings, you don't take into consideration that that person has his own mind, and his own partitioning of his own feelings


  1. Raga3tini few years wara =) that's a valuable lesson actually =)

  2. =)
    i think we've allllllll been there =)
