Saturday, May 21, 2011

Imagine mosebtak

Many times I imagine being blind, actually there was a time when I thought it was cool to be blind, and till now whenever I go for a walk, I walk with eyes closed, and I try always to walk long distances with my eyes closed (longest time was app. 1 min), memorize places that I go to frequently, (I tried counting steps.. doesn't work with me cause i forget =D) but the main point remains the same, how would my life be if I lost my sight, if I lost one of the many blessings that I never whenever I think about what the future may hold, I say "GOD please ease wtever that would happen, and make it easy for me to live with it", so the question is, when you imagine yourself in the future, other than a successful person (wtever successful means to you) what is it that you take for granted can you afford to lose!!??


  1. actually i can't ya Hadir :)
    al7amd lelah 3la ne3amo allati la to7sa :D
    Amazing ya Hadir :)

  2. I do the same... Walk with my eyes closed and try to understand the feeling one gets if he was blind! :) but I fail as I open them just in 30 seconds :D :):) Al7amdulelllah Kathiran :)

  3. salmaaaaaaaaaaaa practice :D i've been trying that since i was 9 :D
