Friday, August 26, 2011

HA: Trust Issues

@Catastrofica1 emta momken el trust tedi3 ben el bni2admeen wa homa eletnen kwisin :D

@HatemMira computability ya 7atem, just because il bay2adam 7add kewayes, msh ma3nah eno haykoon kewayes ma3ak

Trust can be taken away once proven that the other partner is not worth of it, but what makes such a point?
This could be due to external and internal factors;
         Like communication channels that aren't open wide enough for the information to pass through, leading to misinformation, and after a while it will look like it's not unintentional miscommunication, but deliberate.
         Personal intuition can also play an important role in how much accepting the person would be of the other
         Low tolerance to other's mistakes
         Fear of not being good enough to keep up, or that the other might surpass him or drag him (both extremes are justified by same reason)

         Accidental events that might take place and misinterpretation of many events will lead to disruption of the trust
            Common people to both parties can lead to intentional or unintentional disruption of the image of one of the concerned parties

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