Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quitting thoughts

 Problems occur for many reasons, whether we caused them, or they are happening to us so that we are taught something "a lesson" and though we may know that, but during our struggle with this problem - whether it concerns people, actions, ideas, thoughts - we lose our guiding star, and drift off what we think is our way not realizing that this "drift" is actually our way. So it crosses the mind all kind of options, and when you think you've run out of options you're actually left with one powerful option, which is to create new options.
And during the process of dealing with the current options you find yourself uncomfortable, and pissed and wanna tear the person who's the cause of this problem head's off, but you refocus on the main problem, and in the middle you cant help but being a miserable and unbearable person and yes whine, hate, get annoyed, bitch about what's happing and shout about it, but still at the end don't give up and give it more shots.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rewind, Check That

There was once this thing that I disliked, mainly because I saw that a lot didn't like it, I couldn't even stand its smell, so I developed the idea that I don't love it and that I even cant stand being near it, but then many years later I tired it, and it wasn't so bad, actually it was good, and after that with a while I was asked if I liked it, so my answer came instantaneous "NO, I don't stand it" but curiosity made me wanna try it for the "first time" that I remember, and tasting that made me realize that I tried it before and I did like it, and it was very enjoyable, I was lucky I wasn't stubborn enough to stick with what I previously thought was the only option, and the right choice.

Friday, August 26, 2011

HA: Trust Issues

@Catastrofica1 emta momken el trust tedi3 ben el bni2admeen wa homa eletnen kwisin :D

@HatemMira computability ya 7atem, just because il bay2adam 7add kewayes, msh ma3nah eno haykoon kewayes ma3ak

Trust can be taken away once proven that the other partner is not worth of it, but what makes such a point?
This could be due to external and internal factors;
         Like communication channels that aren't open wide enough for the information to pass through, leading to misinformation, and after a while it will look like it's not unintentional miscommunication, but deliberate.
         Personal intuition can also play an important role in how much accepting the person would be of the other
         Low tolerance to other's mistakes
         Fear of not being good enough to keep up, or that the other might surpass him or drag him (both extremes are justified by same reason)

         Accidental events that might take place and misinterpretation of many events will lead to disruption of the trust
            Common people to both parties can lead to intentional or unintentional disruption of the image of one of the concerned parties

Thursday, August 25, 2011

People Type H

This type is the naive one, and defining him has 2 definitions, one is innocent, while the other is showing a lack of experience, wisdom or judgment.
They usually over trust people and expect the best of them; they tend to have something like a child perspective and a weird way of viewing everything

The positives of being one: is that he is a positive person, someone who sees the full half of the glass, and sometimes being intuitive.

The negative of being one: he never learns from his mistakes, and he may even repeat it a lot,
He never sees a bad thing before it happens
And he gets used and manipulated a lot.

Negatives of being associated with one: you may tend to give in and believe in the pink world he has in mind -which doesn't exist-,
You start yourself being naive,

Benefits of being near one:
Simplicity is the key, this type tends to simplify everything, and so they help you change perspective

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Old Type Of Illness

Nowadays there are many mental and physical diseases spreading out in many of the young people, but not all cases are diagnosed, or even real,

Okay, let me take you back to during our time growing up when were exposed to very lame disease campaign awareness, usually most kids used to diagnose themselves with all the diseases that they know, fever then it's meningitis, dizziness i.e. hypotension, etc., etc.

So right now some still do the same, they know the disease but the trend these days is the mental one, so you find one showing symptoms for a text case of clinical depression, or schizophrenia, paranoia, etc., etc., and all that is due to their previous knowledge of how these patients act and react, so they try to grab the attention and mimic the ill, leading to the preceding unbelieving of those who are in need of mental care.

Not all people are faking sickness, but just because you show ONE symptom doesn't mean that you are ILL

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

People Type G

This type is the one who cant live without their proper spotlight -in their mind- and they are always searching for a way to attract people's attention toward them, -maybe a bit egoistic- and sometimes they don't deserve the spotlight that they focus on themselves, magnifying every little thing in themselves into something that might appear afterward to be not true, sometimes they don't care about others, and it's all drama with them, and it is mainly stories that have something to do with them.

So the negatives of being such a type or associating yourself with them, is that you start being void and empty, where you become an attention addict and care for no one but yourself

But sure there's something to be learnt from this type, this type is the best self-marketeer and can advertise themselves and reach any destination they want to go -maybe they wont last there, but still - they know everything there is to know about oneself and manage it and eventually place oneself in the best place to move forward in one's life.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Typewriters Vs. Computers

For a while I developed a point of view regarding people, I used to think that people are categorized either as a typewriter or as a computer.

Seeing that being a typewrite is where you don’t process any information that you’re given, you take all that comes just as it is, no questions asked.
But being a Computer is where you process any info that you’re given, nothing is for granted, everything must be thought about, EVERYTHING must pass through a filtering system, to recognize its validity and to decide weather you’re accepting that data, that everything is put into its right place in your head.

But recently I reflected on that statement, I saw that maybe you’re a computer but your programming is just so wrong, maybe you process but your logarithms (codes) are invalid, that there’s a glitch in your functions.
I’m not saying that everyone should be using the same processing system, or the same encryption, but at least have a  functioning and good program, on which you can start building your system, with your “codes” so that the conclusion you get to is validated to yourself for the rest of your thinking time.

Revised by @HatemMira =D

Sunday, August 21, 2011

At A Fast Food Dinner

Have you ever sat alone surrounded by many strangers; most of those strangers are kids that you’ll probably never see again

Have you tried to imagine their future, not the professional way, but on a personal level; how their character might develop?

The kid who keeps screaming to be heard
The other who keeps staring at each person that passes by him
The little girl acting all grown up and trying to look all miss classy
The one who’s helping her family and bringing the food to the table
The one who’s not raising his head from the table
The one discussing –GOD knows what- with her parents
Do you ever wonder who’s gonna be what & what process &events will lead to that??