Saturday, December 31, 2011

Getting things done

So I noticed a pattern, when I start a note, or a comment, or a point of view that doesn't necessary has to be right, just a plain comment. And then that would lead to the proceeding clarification of explaining what I mean, and then taking my audience from their own perspective and their places and make them share the experience and see my point of view, through my perspective and therefore gain their empathy and compassion to whatever it is that I have to say.

Same applies to life, if you want people to be on your side of the conversation, you'd need to walk them through the opinion that you are suggesting, and then they'd get on your side and get convinced with your point of view and maybe defend it themselves. Cause unless they are emotionally or physically involved, they would show indifference to whatever happens to you, or whatever you have to say.

Comes to my mind a saying a friend of mine used to say a lot; "they wont care how much you know, till they know how much you care”. Simply it applies because they get INVOLVED, so it becomes their story as well.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

When your heroes become your friends

Usually when we start working, we like to set a goal, the target, then the plan we're gonna follow, also sometimes we set a vision and a role model, something to help us keep our energy flowing and our battery never dying, so that when things get hard, or it seems a dead end, you can find something or someone to look up to and renew your power to continue. But when does it end, at a certain point you'll need to do something no one else has tried to do, you'll need to do something not even your idol has done it, you'll need to get out in the open and go where no one has been before and start leaving your own marks. Only then would your role models look up to you and be your friends.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

AS: What is a turning point.

We can agree or even consider the possibility of what a turning point is.
It could be the point at which your paradigm shifted, when your perception altered, when you start actually learning the lessons life taught you, and my personal favourite; it's when you turn into someone who's different than that you were minutes ago with no need or want to look back and being who you once were.

The turning point involves 2 aspects of yourself, the first one is how you perceive and the other is how you react toward what you've perceived. And that is a permanent alteration that you'll live with, it becomes your routine and your habits, it becomes who you are.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

2 Magnets

 We all know metal, they are those materials that have their metallic properties and tend to act as metals most of the times.
And we also know magnets, those materials that have magnetic properties that tends to attract metal objects toward them, that is imbedded in their pure nature, they're built in attracting metals, so when placing a magnet next to a metal you not need only to think of placing them next to each others, but to also the effect it will have on both of them, placing them that close that the metal would enter the magnetic field of the magnet and therefore would move from its place nearer to the magnet, and eventually the metal would gain magnetic properties.

Another example is that when placing 2 magnets you are facing 2 options;
The first is that they'd attract and move closer to each other, or the second that they'd move further and repel each other’s.

So you cant blame a magnet for it's properties, you placed the magnet so deal with the consequences of them slamming into each others, or running away from each others and you don't get to say that it is not your fault that they have magnetic properties, you knew before placing them in front of each others the expected reaction of that particular action, so MAN up and take responsibility of your action.

Don't think outside the box

People who we try to motivate and open their eyes, and expand their perspective, we usually tell them that they should think outside the box, and sometimes that doesn’t work and we find them instead of imagining, and working on enhancing their personal and professional skills, searching for the box. Concerned with what was instead of what would be, and limiting their mind in any possible way.
It’s like telling someone you can swim anywhere, and instead of going straight to the sea -which is in front of him- he'd try to figure out how big is the sea, and where he might head to enjoy his time, not noticing that during this stupid thinking process they lose precious time that could have been better spent at enjoying a swim and the sea.
So when dealing with people who have been living inside a box -without knowing so- don't tell them think outside the box, instead, break the box in front of their eyes, only then they WILL have to think.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes

We live and learn, we watch and develop our thinking. We study previous cases, and keep in mind other people's life events so that relearn something, but the point is that we don't learn exactly what THEY've learnt. Instead we learn things according to our vision and our perception of what took place.

When we take it in our hand the learning process from other's experiences, it becomes easier to conceive most of the possible and well-suited lessons for us.
But it is when others try to force THEIR learnt lessons from THEIR own experiences that is when things get complicated, that's when they start shoving unnecessary information down our throats and into our minds.

That’s when they fail to notice that maybe we need to make the same mistakes as they did but only to learn different lessons, or maybe their mistakes aren't mistakes to us, instead they are a turning point, a necessary one for our growing up and becoming more mature persons.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Your Tomorrow

Planning for tomorrow, we always try to see our future selves, seeing the impact we will leave on the future.
During my daily check for new uploads by Tedtalk I stumbled across a video that expressed a lot of what i might want to say.

so I will leave you with her =)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Friend In Trouble

It is hard when someone you care about is passing through hard time and all you can do to help is nothing.
Maybe they're hurting from someone that you don't know, or something that you cant control, all leading to your inability to help, your feeling of incompetence and you sitting down doing nothing, cause even the advice won't be of a help in this situation.

All you can do is play a silent viewer where you wait, wait for your loved ones to pass this hard time on their own so that their lesson is learnt and that they'd become stronger, better.

Yea, it sucks, but doing nothing can be for the best, and as lame as that sounds, it is true.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

EI : Emotional Intelligence

We always separate between our emotions and our thoughts.

Now a step back please, what is the mind, and what is the brain?
The mind is the virtual place where the thoughts and emotions are created and processed and amended,
Where the brain is the actual organ where many processes occur, it consists of 2 hemispheres; each hemisphere is responsible for a certain type of process. The right one for the emotions and the left one for the logic
Now what are emotions, let's go back to basics, what is really an emotion? The emotion is a state of mind, a feeling and also it is an unspoken thought, a felt thought, and the thought is the product of the logical process taking place in one of the hemispheres in our brain

So we may not understand the emotion at first & sometimes we may deny it, thinking that since they are inexplicable they shouldn't enter in the taking decision process. When they actually are a part of our brain and our thinking process.

So thinking by emotions is a part of your brain and thinking via logic is another part, and choosing to think with only one part will cause you loss of full brain function, and in a life where we used to believe that we only use 10% of our brain capacity, some people has a lot of nerve neglecting half of that brain power.

HA: Why quit ??

I was asked
"Lieh il wa7ed ye-quit fe west il sho3'l"
And to answer that I thought I’d state as many reasons as possible for why anyone would quit in the middle of doing something and I was gonna say something like this;

"You may find that the work is hard, and not paying off, or that no one's appreciating the effort you're putting into all this or maybe you are facing family issues, or had a medical condition that would prevent you from doing what you're doing. Maybe a mental condition like a nervous breakdown may stop you or maybe this job is time consuming or you don't have the time to do it, maybe your colleagues are douchbags or maybe you were presented with a better offer to occupy your time with something else," and then I would end it with "or you just WANT to quit".
But ironically I was faced with this choice, and more ironically all those previous reasons were present in my case, in addition to all that I seriously hated my job, but once I found another opportunity it was hard not to accept it, BUT I said give me time so that I can give the people a heads up, so that they'd prepare themselves for my departure.

You see when I started this post I thought it would end up with just some external or internal reasons for why and when to quit the task you're doing, but sometimes all the reasons are present and you still continue to work anyway, and sometimes none of the mentioned or unmentioned reasons are there and you'd still quit without a second thought, in other words, IT IS in your hand to quit with or without reasons, and people WILL adapt to your choice anyway, so it's you who decides to show kindness to the people who asked you to do the first task or job in the first place, cause actually depending on what type of person you are, it'll decide when and how you will quit.

In other words the question was asked incorrectly, it shouldn't have been WHY'd you quit, when it should have been HOW do you quit.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A "No Hope" Attitude

It’s the hard things in life, the tough situations that defines who were are. We live with hope knowing that there's always a way, we keep on going on our way, we never give up hope.
But it's the dead end, the "NO HOPE" sign, the facing the wall, the losing faith that there's something good waiting for you down the corner, that's when you start working real hard, where we go to the beginning and check everything out, that's when you shine the best, where your brilliance emerge and take center place.
So yes, I’d rather lose hope everyday, and be sure that no one and nothing will help me out, so that I’d rise to challenge and help pick up myself up to the level I haven't even started dreaming about.

From the Movie "2 weeks notice" there was this part where Lucy was stuck with the contract that she wrote so well and couldn't get out of, so her dad told her:

"Then you change your tactics,
You change your argument.
You don't give up."


We usually try to remind ourselves about the things that we are given in life, things that we don't seem to notice cause they are too much, and sometimes too obvious to be noticed, but we manage to think about them, and we consider even not knowing.
What I wanted to say was that I am not just grateful for the things I have, for the help I get, life will give us and we won't notice, but I am grateful for those who allow me to help them, who let me make a difference, who let me contribute in solving their problems, they help me make benefit of my time and my skill and that's why I’m grateful for anyone who ever asked me anything

Friday, October 21, 2011

We Are White, We Are Great

Hard times, they seem to try to bring us down, tear us up, beat us down, and when we think we cant take anymore it gives us more, and keeps on beating the hell out of us, and whenever anything happens and we say it can't get any worse, it does -get worse-. But somehow we manage to pass through it.

So what actually happens is that we can take it, we can pass anything life is shooting at us, and we do, we do pass it, cause it's hard to tell the difference between the yellow and the white in the light, but in the darkness we can easily point out the yellow from the white, and through the absence of the moon during the darkest of nights can the stars shine their brightest, and can also be noticed, it's during this moments can the difference between good and great appear.

So I don't want an easy life, a life where I'm not challenged to bring up my best, and raise the game to a higher level. 

So let it get hard, let it be dark, swing your best shot at us, cause we'll not only rise, we'll overcome and pass anything life has to test us for.

Friday, October 14, 2011

There's A Baby In There

The blackness below her eyes was the last thing I noticed, she looked like she was in pain while praying, and she didn't stand while praying. After her prayer our eyes met, mine filled with questions, while in hers was a strange look that I didn’t quite understand, I have never seen anyone like her before, at least not from this close, she looked so unreal. Her eyes looked as if they too had a question to ask, or a thought to share. Did she envy me for my care free life in comparison with hers, or did she wish I knew what she was going through, from joy or pain, I felt like she had something to share but she was too tired to speak and talk.
And I am sure that if I asked her, her answer was that she wouldn't change a thing cause she couldn't be happier.
Some pain is worth going through…. I hope for her sake she is right =)


We see them while sleeping, or when we're awake,
We see them with our eyes closed, and more with them open.
We try to fulfill them; we try to achieve them,
Sometimes we run from them, and sometimes we chase them
We can deny them, we can declare them,
We can focus on a specific detail that we let go of the whole dream,
Yet at other times we focus on the big picture that small details escape from us,
Big or small
Short or long termed
Achievable, or not their time
Day or night
Still they are your dreams and they ought to be considered and taken very seriously

"Day" by Sir Cecil Spring Rice

Work never ends, and that itself is a beauty,
This is one of my favourite poems, talking about never ending work 


‘I am busy’ said the sea.
‘I am busy’ Think of me
making continents to be.
‘I am busy” said the sea

‘I am busy’ said the rain.
‘When I fall it’s not in vain;
Wait and you will see the grain.
I am busy.’ Said the rain.

‘I am busy” said the air,
‘Blowing here and blowing there,
Up and down and everywhere.
I am busy,' said the air.

‘I am busy,’ said the sun.
‘All my planets, every one,
Know my work is never done.
I am busy, said the sun.

Sea and rain and air and sun,
Here’s a fellow toiler – one,
Whose task will soon be done.