Thursday, May 10, 2012


Have you ever been walking up stairs? Jogging of running?
Doesn't the type of stairs make a difference? Steep steps, or narrow steps?
Where do you look, down your feet or up above your head?
Do you watch out for the people that you might be stepping on, or do you only have in mind that you need not to fall?

Well what I’ve noticed from the many stairs I’ve kept climbing, that moving up and down the stairs is pretty much similar to living life, 
As long as there's up, there will be down, 
You have to work hard at the beginning to rest on your way down.
While moving between the crowds, you need to watch your steps, not because you might stubble and fall, but also because you may step on someone who was sitting, or someone who's not moving with the same pace.
Along to looking at your feet, you also have to keep upper head up high, and be able to see when the steps are gonna end, and when you'll reach your destination.
When your moving down, careful that your hurry might make you slip, and take all the steps sliding, and you'll end up hurting yourself and maybe others.

So remember 
it is an up and down process, 
be ware where you place your feet, 
and never lose sight of the end. 
Some steps are easy, others are breath taking and heart burning. 
But in the end you'll get there. 

So welcome 

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