Friday, May 4, 2012

Questioning Givens

Have you every been sympathising with a person who's talking to you, have you putting yourself in their shoes and trying to tell them what they should do in a particular situation that they have found themselves stuck in.

you take every information they tell you as a given and start thinking what would you do. you believe everything they say and so you start working on a solution.

Have you tried to back up a little, and to see what if the picture they are drawing is not completely true, and that the situations that they are describing is not totally the way they make you believe it is.

Would you question the givens of a hurting person? would you try to trace the truth even if it may seem to hurt them more?


  1. Truth is sacred. Feelings have to be truthful to be sacred too.

  2. Truth can be variable and is also depending on the point of view
    as per feelings, not all of them are sacred, as they are not all returned
