Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just Have Faith =)

It’s when everything is so dark
And the tunnel seems to be endless with no way back
When what could be wasn't done,
And now you're faced with your fate
When you need to finish to start all over again
When it's the dead end you were afraid to reach & now you're stuck for another year
When you're battery is about to die & you have to wait for some more
When you're being judged for who you are
And disrespected and disdained for what you believe
When you ask to not be alone, and everyone leaves you
Know then that you're not alone, and know who to turn to =)


  1. ra23aaaaaaaaa ya Hadiiir :D

  2. =) I'm glad you liked it =) :$

  3. i am happy that many people feel this =))
    i feel the same =) when u r totally alone know you are not u have Allah =))
    nice one ;) keep it up =)

  4. =) we seem to get caught up in our little struggles, that we forget that there's sth bigger =)

  5. That's so true! It seems that we all get this feeling...and that just proves that we are not alone! If we all feel this, then we're all in this together! :):) ... You've just spoke my mind with the exact right words :):)

  6. @salma : we're all going through that strange time =)
    @May : Always a pleasure =)
