Thursday, June 30, 2011

The DemonS Within

Through our day we fight with the outside world, we fight for wt we want, fight against who's attacking us, fight to be heard, during all that struggle we forget that there are things inside us that are struggling too, are shouting, shifting, shaping.
We get caught up defending ourselves that we forget to immunize ourselves against our closest enemIES, which is wt lies within us, whatever it is, sometimes we are our greatest enemies, so careful who you're fighting, and careful which battle you choose to lose

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Piece Of Cake

Comes to my mind times when a person needs aid
Physical, mental, or emotional, or any kind,
Then you think, "Who might I call for help?? No I wont call for help, I can do this on my own, I don't need anyone, it's POC and I can manage, then the load becomes heavier, and you think, that's the test, I need to work harder, to show what I’m really made of, then it gets tougher and tougher, and you may or may not be able to finish strong, this is not the point here, the point here is:
Do you know it’s okay to ask for help?? And if you do know it, Do you know how to ask for it? Do you know when to ask for help? Do you know who to ask for help?
Cause it matters who you ask, cause depending on the who, the following questions will be answered fast and easily,
And asking for help is not the only problem, but accepting the hand offered to you, or the essential words said to you for the situation, or even receiving a hug, or just the listening ear, or the comprehending mind, all those could and would be offered to you, and all you have to do is know who to ask, and know how to receive, it's all a Piece Of Cake, so enjoy it =)

Find Me

Love you more than you'll ever know
so there I left you on your own
But I shouldn't have left you
to face this world alone

Find me,
lost without you here
Find me,
drowning without you dear
Find me somewhere,
where I can be with you

Off on your own
struggling to get what the world won't offer
still the world is fight you
still you have to suffer
thinking about where you belong

Find you,
staring blindly at your life
Find you,
loathing to death yourself
Find you,
to be somewhere we belong

All of your life, you tried to be with me
All of my life, I tried to hold you dear

Letting go was the hardest to do,
Just on me & not for you
so i'll leave
And if I have to break then myself i'll break
to stop taunting my life with your fucking ache

Just Have Faith =)

It’s when everything is so dark
And the tunnel seems to be endless with no way back
When what could be wasn't done,
And now you're faced with your fate
When you need to finish to start all over again
When it's the dead end you were afraid to reach & now you're stuck for another year
When you're battery is about to die & you have to wait for some more
When you're being judged for who you are
And disrespected and disdained for what you believe
When you ask to not be alone, and everyone leaves you
Know then that you're not alone, and know who to turn to =)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

transparently transparent

Transparent, to see right through or to never see, it's both ways if you ask me
to not know what's there to start with, till it vanishes into thin air
to know exactly what there is, with every detail exposed for everyone else to see

are you a prism-like, changing what's falling and hitting you,
do you change it into something beautiful, or something else

so how do you look, and how do you see, 
which one do you see, and who you are when you're seen

Give It A Shot

What is it that keeps us from trying, not persisting, but beginning, what catches our attention? What is it that makes us move? what makes us try something new, something we’re not going to finish it,  -humor me-, something that is not to be completed no matter what. Are we so focused and concentrated that we don’t have time or energy for something else, something new, or do we fear going down into a new road,

I’d say try, then try, then when you know there’s no other way around try, fail and try, get to go half way through, not even half way, get to take one step, even if that will be all you make, but take the step, take a chance even though you know there’s nothing else to be done.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

0.01 %

You're giving your best, and you're working hard, you start getting tired, and would like some time off, but still you haven't reached your 0 % , still there's that small part of you that wants to work.
you're tired, you need to rest, you have to rest to recharge to your full capacity, but it's that small percent that makes you still go on, not as hard, not recharged, but somehow moving on.
you're thinking: " Do I need to reach that level?" well the point is, whenever there's still a part in you that still have even a femto-amount of energy, it won't let you rest, you're still gonna work, you'll find out that you're still working.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Speed Bumps

What’s interesting is, how people make life full of speed bumps, of ups and downs,
So we as humans learn from what hurts us better than what does good for us,
We get hurt, we get back up, then hurt again, maybe this time the hurt wasn't as bad, maybe it was worse, we still learn, but the worst the hurt, the better the teacher, the bigger the lesson,
And it's not just the bigger, we learn to expect what's gonna happen, make a risk plan, we prepare ourselves, but what is nicer is to never see it coming, never knew it could be, never expect that possibility, cause then, and only then you are in a learning position, only then will you evolve, and only then you'll be stronger,
So get hit hard, stabbed in the back, or even the front, get knocked down, get stepped on, it will all do you good =)

so I'd like to thank everyone who ever tried, and I wanna ask them get better, and try again

Monday, June 20, 2011

To Be Done

         A to do list, to buy list, to prepare list, and the lists go on and on… I used to make those lists; I still have some of those lists hanging in my locker.
When first made them was to cross things out, and to feel like I’ve accomplished something, but the point is not crossing things out, the lists became more like a dream list, with lots of number that don't decrease, so, instead I’m starting 2 lists =D

1. A dream list
         Which will contain things to be done on the long run, and that list has to increase with an average one dream per day

2. A to be DONE list
·            Which will have things to be done
Now the question is, wt is different about this list, the difference is the way things will be written, and everything will be with a deadline with no going back, once the thing is on the list, it needs to be fulfilled, so, grab your pen - and not pencil - and start writing those things that need to BE DONE

Sunday, June 19, 2011

When the time is up, and there's nothing left to do
When you know you didn't give your best, and still you ask for more
When you're expectations are so high, yet the signs don't say so

I’m not saying give up hope, for hope is the only option to get you through
I’m saying it will be okay, for the worst is yet to come

Time will reveal, whatever it is that is meant to be
So I’m just saying be prepared for whatever may come
For better or worse it will inevitably arise

Prepare yourself to accept your fate, for you're the one who brought it to yourself to start with 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy One Month Anniversary

A written word will always as well as a spoken one have more than one meaning, and has many variables, many things can affect it, how it is said, when it is said, the tonality, the bold or underline or the font, all can affect it.

A month ago I posted my first daily post, encouraged and inspired by certain people - smile cause you know who you are - and I never got to say thank you for making me move my fingers over the keyboard everyday and not just to chat or play games, but to share a thought, a feeling, or a situation, I wanna say thank you from all of my mind.

I used to think it mattered who's talking, but actually the only one who makes a difference is the one reading, cause a word will always be a word, it just needs a perspective that is given to it by everyone who reads it, and that was proven to me many times with various ways, starting with a piece of paper that was left unintentionally near my studying papers, and my sister read it, and it's effect showed within a day.

So again I wanna say to you who read (in the past), read (now), will read (future) anything in the future
 "Thank You"

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Empty SeatS

Happens sometimes when you're in a public transportation you give your seat to someone else, that's cute, nice, and good manners, well the question that popped in my head a while ago then I forgot all about it, then a certain act in front of me raised the questions and the exclamation marks that were sleeping inside my head, the act was as follows:
2 females entered the metro together, the young one raced to sit, but then looking at the other lady, she told her, no sit, I thought you were someone my age!!!!

So the question is as follows; are there certain rules to be followed on seating people? Are there specific criteria that should be in the people who are gonna sit? Or the people who stand and offer their seats for others, what are your guiding lines?

Is it age?? Carrying a child? Having some sort of a disability? Looking sick? Fainting? What is it????

But then I remembered a situation that has repeated many times in front of me. People who ask whose getting off at the nearest stop!!!!!!!! And something else, a friend of mine was ruddily asked to give up their chair for someone else!!!!!!!! But the shocking one was a woman who fought with a guy to make him give her his seat, with no previous knowledge of who he is, or that maybe he's tired or so, she started yelling and shouting about how he's no manners at all.

So again the question is still there, are there any rules for seating people in public transportation, are there criteria that would make a person qualified for a seat.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just A Thought

I’ve always felt that it was strange that people cry for the dead, I personally don't get it, it's like what difference does it make being so sad, so heartbroken, so... strange, and till recently i couldn't even understand why people grieve, it's a normal cycle of life;
We are born
We live
We die
Simple 3 phases everyone goes through in their lives (we may argue about the second step but still the concept is the same), everyone dies eventually, so why would I spend days, hours, or even seconds from my life sad about something or someone who's not coming back, actually, one day I’ll go to them, simply because one day I’ll die too, so what's the big deal, I don't think that the person would want me to waste my limited time in life on mourning, instead I should be working, living whatever time is left for me to live on the mortal place called earth.

To be Continued.....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To Do

Mostly we were told not to do, or be certain stuff; Don't lie, don't be a hypocrite, don't walk away and don't go the opposite way
So, with all these don'ts - some - started to obey and don't, just don't and never do; Never tell the truth, never be honest, simply never stick around, stand still, in other word became neutrally negative, strange but true, for the slightest example, they won't step up to help others even if they could do so, even if it wouldn't cost them anything, only small effort, a minute or two, after a while that mild neutral medium they're living in it will be saturated with the negativity of not doing anything, of not knowing what to do, or worse, if not realizing that there could be something to be done, so please start wising up, and start taking a stand, and don't leave the neutrally negative people take control.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Occasionally you're given a second chance, and sometimes you say it's a new leaf, let's turn the page, let's start over, forget the past, etc. and you go on with your life, believing that all is forgotten, but what you forget to take into consideration is that no matter what you do, and how many amendments you do, or good you do later, the past will always - and be sure of it - will always come back to hit you in the face, whether you're expecting it or not, at a good time or an inconvenient one, so all you have to do is to prepare yourself to face the consequences of who you once were, cause no matter how hard you want it, it is never forgotten or erased

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our Moto

Doesn’t it occur occasionally that you have a task to finish, a deadline to meet, and as you go on trying to finish on time - and hopefully a bit earlier -, it seems that time is flying very fast, and suddenly you have little time left and still loads to do, then as this fact hits you, you start realizing how you could have managed your time better, and then suddenly you visualize the plan that would have been executed on x amount of time peacefully, you start automatically and unconsciously to increase your output efficiency and you find yourself working harder than you ever thought you would, and you start to bend time to obey your rules, and steal back the moments that were yours to begin with, and you find yourself delivering the remaining output in high quality in (x / 8) time - if not less ;) -.
Strange how in stress times the adrenaline in your body makes you do wonders, so if that is the key then I’d advice you, put it in the ignition hole, and start fast with passion and determination and persistence, but wait, first set the plan of your life, then start your engine, and never slow it down

Friday, June 10, 2011

"Speak That I May See You"

It’s a strange phrase, but stranger than that is that it's more than true,because while talking, people unconsciously are wide open for others to see, a talking person will reveal who they are, what they like or dislike, their habits, their thoughts, a good listener and a wise one would easily figure out that person in front of him, and may also find out what needs to be done to cheer that person when they're down, or worse they would know how to hurt the person in front of them with the smallest of actions, so whenever you're talking, careful what gets out of your mouth, you never know what the person in front of you is thinking.
"أمير المؤمنين عمر رضى الله قال "المرء مخبوء خلف لسانه

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Begin your day with a smile, even to those who may bear bad feelings toward you, smile because you bear no hard feelings to anyone, cause when everyone might think that you're cursed, you can make - of what they see as a curse - a blessing, and a way to earn people's respect. Cause you'll get what you want, only if you follow your heart. So trust in yourself, even if no one else does, sooner or later you'll achieve what others call impossible, you'll fly high, where everyone will see your bright shining smile.


The music playlist is usually filled with various songs, of different genera, you listen to many songs, to different musicians, songs with deep lyrics, or songs with loud music, songs with serene music, or songs of beat.
But sometimes all it takes is just one song, and one song alone, that relates to you in that moment, that makes you press the repeat button, or create a new playlist, a whole new playlist for this song alone, where you listen to it once, twice and trice, and on and on, overtime and with each time you hear it you concentrate on a certain instrument so you find a new rhythm, or notice a word said differently that shifts the meaning of the song in an instance, and that is the beauty of music,
Though it is a universal language, it still can be interpreted differently every time you listen to it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Define Yourself

Define yourself, who are you? what will make you stand out in the crowd
Is it your walk, your smile, your laugh, or is it how you talk with people, or how you talk to yourself, is it how you treat people, or the way you treat yourself, is it the way you behave in public, is it is it the way you think, or the way people think you think.

So define yourself, not to me, but to yourself, to the image that you show to everyone else, cause that image will soon become who you are, even if it is not, to your actions that would speak louder than your thoughts, than your words.

So again define yourself, do you define it by who you idolize, by who you quote, by who you're proud to know, it may be not all that, it may be some of that, and it also can be none of that,

So one more time define yourself, but not just once, but every once and a while, keep yourself up to date, keep yourself in check.

so i just wanna say it  to you again =) 

Define yourself

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wt if

Wt if doing your best is not the answer?, Wt if to be a perfect team, you need to do less that your perfect performance?, Wt if to reach your destination fast, you need to slow down?, Wt if in order to win the war you have to lose some battles?


Wt if doing you best is not enough?, Wt if you had to go out of your way to reach your destination?, wt if you had to step outside your zone of comfort?, and stay outside it for a long while?, Wt if after giving your all you need to give some more?.

Wt if there was no right way? Wt if there was no way?, Wt if you never existed? Wt if you where never really there? Wt if…..?

Sunday, June 5, 2011


It may come to you on its own but not so frequently, cause it needs not following, but searching for and even stalking, it asks for your attention and your constant inspection and concentration, you need a lot of work to achieve it, then even harder after you get it, cause Inspiration is like imagination, they both need hard work to see their output in reality

The great composer does not set to work because he is inspired, but becomes inspired because he is working.  Beethoven, Wagner, Bach and Mozart settled down day after day to the job in hand with as much regularity as an accountant settles down each day to his figures.  They didn't waste time waiting for inspiration.  ~ Ernest Newman

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.  Action always generates inspiration.  Inspiration seldom generates action.  ~ Frank Tibolt

I Miss Those Days

Nowadays everyone talks, everyone has an opinion about everything, I don't mind that, but what I mind is that people are copying others' opinions and pasting them as theirs, not only that, but now nobody knows when to shut up, people are talking out of their a****, and now everybody is concerned about being heard that they forgot that they need to listen more than they talk, and think more than we do both.

Sometimes I wish they'd tag words with price, so that each word would cost, imagine you'd have to pay for each word you say, people would wait for the word sale, where they can say 3 words for the price of 2, and they'll think more than once before they open their mouth, and they'll search for the right word to say, and the flow of words would be better, easier, and maybe musical.....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Can of Can =)

Today my mum bought Nescafé, but to my surprise it had a gift with it, a can, so my sister took it to leave it in the kitchen, to be used as a sugar container, or any sort or container, I found myself asking mum if she needs it, she asked me do I want it, and said yes, my sister then asked me what am I gonna do with it, I replied that I may use it as a pen holder, so after I left it in front of me for like 15 min in which I was studying, I came up with an idea, I have like 3 Pringles cans that I use as pen holders, of I stuff them with the little stuff that I don't wanna lose, so, for this can I was gonna put in it clips of papers, containing many stuff that I will write, motivating stuff, to do stuff, to be stuff.

Maybe one day I’ll pick up a paper saying kiss your sister, or hug your mum, or dance on the music that is playing in your mind, call an old friend, stuff I can do, stuff I'd like to do but am lacking the courage to do, or "it's never too late", or "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted count", and the list can go on all night long.

So here I am opening the can, and putting inside my first piece of paper =)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dead Beat

You wake up, you do what you need to be doing - study, work, communicate, develop...etc. - sometimes you put in some extra effort that by the end of the day you're so tired you can't see 2 inches in front of you, that you search for the bed to sleep. And by morning you hate that you tired yourself so much the previous day.

What do I want?? I wanna go to bed everyday worn out, and ready to drop, I want everyday to be exhausting, I wanna do more than just my best, I wanna achieve what I thought I wouldn't, what I believed I couldn't, I wanna be the max of me.

And it's not just physically, but mentally and emotionally, I wanna love my the people who deserve to receive my love the most, I wanna study as hard as I can, I wanna dance till my appendix or whatever it is that hurts, hurt like never before, I wanna go and help anyone anywhere anyhow, so yes, by the end of the day I wish to be a dead beat, and to also can't wait till I wake again.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


how do you determine it's presence?
is it by the way that you start look at things
or by the way you react toward things
do you even feel it taking place, or you feel it when it's done

so was it because you needed to, or you wanted to, or you had to
is it genuine, superficial or temporary
is it always internally, or sometimes it's just externally

how do you evaluate it
if it was for the better
or have you became worse

which is better
to start with yourself alone, or do you include others with you
do you reach out for help, or you go on your own

would you do a lot of small deeds, or a few big deeds
would you affect many people superficially, or would you affect few deeply

what is your scale to anything that you do
how do you keep track of the delta

A Couple Of Friends Growing Apart

*This is something I wrote about 2 of my friends who were friends, so to avoid the confusion, i labelled them (A) & (B)*

You’re (A) afraid that you’ll lose it
You’ll (B) think that he’s losing it
But the truth is that you’re both losing it
You’re actually both afraid to be lost
So instead you (B) keep on forgetting
& You (A) keep on forgoing
So stop, cause you’re only hurting each other
And you’re also hurting others
On the route where you’ve cut one another
When your worlds finally meet
You (A) get scared & get down on your knees
& You (B) begin turning away
From the thing that lightens your way
I shouldn’t stop there and watch you (A) drown
But you froze my powers before I came into town
I can only watch you (A) from a far distance
Watching him (B) being resistant
To of all your shit that keeps you (A) in the dark
Trying to bring an end to your (A) miserable heart
I wish I could be there for you two
But you froze me (A)
& You left me too (B)