Sunday, December 16, 2012

Every Night

Have you ever had such a great idea, a thought maybe. Something that you might consider a paradigm shifter or worth saving for later consideration or reviewing… and you get this thought just RIGHT before you sleep, you keep tossing and turning in your bed, thinking about it, modifying it, and improving it, and you consider how great it would be to share it, to let people know something that may help them in their own life, and as you are about to do so, you simply fall asleep.

You wake up the following morning feeling refreshed and ready to continue your day, you may have a faint idea about a memory maybe of a thought that you have had last night, not quite sure what it was about, you may try hard to remember it, but the harder you try the harder it gets to remember. Sometimes, you wake up not remembering at all that there has been an idea or a thought. 

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