Friday, April 20, 2012

We Just Got Here

Sometimes we happen to just show up at a certain point of a situation where we say that this is how things are, we overlook the fact that we just got here and we just saw it, and that maybe this is not how things are usually, but it just happens that the final scene becomes the only scene and that you discard the changes that can come up in a blink of an eye. and so we end up judging something for what it is not and we hurt those who are in the situation  with or without their knowledge.

We should never forget to go back to the start cause that is where everything lies and where the key and solution to everything lies.
we can go around and look it up, get deep into research and then we have to go back to the beginning to pick up the things we lost and the notes that we overlooked. so it is all about basics and going back to where we start to align ourselves and decide where we are and where we've gone.

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