Friday, March 30, 2012

For those who

If you're someone great and by great I don't just mean old, but someone that others look up to and may even consider a role model. If you are this person then please when you fail in doing something, make it public, show that it is okay to fall, and to stumble and to lose your way, because these things, they DO actually happen to all people all the time. So it would help if every once and a while the people who look up to you or look at you see someone like you struggling, and then you show them that it is normal to fall but what is amazing is HOW & WHEN you rise up from what others has condemned as ashes.
Only then they won't fear failure and would jump into challenges, and go where they thought never existed.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just one Reason

You can write up to 20 reasons to why you don't wanna do something and they'd all look like the right thing to do. And after that can come just one lonely lousy reason what is not even convincing enough, or right enough, or aligned with who you thought you are and can make you change your mind, and make you do something that up till then you thought you wouldn't do. All that might lead to discovering that maybe you didn't have the priorities arranged as you thought they were, or that maybe there's something that you wanted but never really thought of asking for it. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Starts and Ends with a YES

I wasn't gonna write anything about the chart below. But after I finished it, it looked more complicated than while writing it.
So when facing a difficulty, or a hard situation, maybe something that gets on your nerves, what do we do? Should we face it, or do we walk away? If we face it, how can we use it to our benefit?
You can ask for help or help yourself.
You may trust the wrong person.
Maybe the person you approached was unable to help you or was untrustworthy.
But it all ends with the "U R GOOD" that is encircled and it means that you're done it and overcame that obstacle

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Which to which

We all have our happy moments and our sad moments.
Some of us like to share them to get through them, others prefer to keep to them selves. 
All is understandable
But let's agree to a simple fact, it's easy to fake a smile than a tear.
When telling people you're happy moments you'll be facing one of many options:
* People may be truly happy for you, whether they know you or even if they don't.
*People may pretend to be happy for you, even though it made no difference to them.
*People may envy you, for your happiness may seem something that is not achievable to them.
*People may use your happiness to fuel their engines to bring out the best in them.
When telling people about your sad moments, you may encounter other reactions:
*Some will be truly hurt as if it was them and not you.
*Some will use your sadness to spot the light to themselves.
*Some will try to fake sadness, but won't be able to keep the façade for so long.
*Some will ignore you and your pain.
*Some will look up to your pain and get motivated to be strong.
Which situation do you want to share with which people is totally depending on you:
You may want to know who really cares about you and who wants to see you fall, so you choose to share your sad moment with those you'd want to test.
You may decide to withhold your happiness cause it won't help the people around you to move forward.
You may share your sadness to make people see that there's a downside to life that you can beat and can move forward from.
It's all depending on you, so before anything, deal with your moments and share them as soon as you can with those that you choose.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I like to move it move it

How about a daily promise,
It’s not that easy to make, yet it is very hard to keep,
Just rethink it before continuing further in even considering it.
A promise to try as hard as you can and to never let go of any jumping opportunity that might appear at any time, just because "it just wasn't the correct time", or you weren't prepared.
Work hard today that Yesterday would be jealous of how much energy you're spending in today that you didn't spend yesterday.
Work hard today so that tomorrow will think that there'll be nothing left when it comes, making it eager to come so that it can contribute to what you're doing
Do the best that you can NOW because the past is gone, and tomorrow is far away.
The opportunity may never come -the right and perfect one- but when you're working you're making opportunities you're creating change, you're setting a path that you can choose to continue later on. You're being the maximum you can be in a single moment of your day.
So be
So Work