Why do people get depressed? This is not a
sarcastic question. Why do WE get depressed? Why do we waste a considerable
amount of our time wondering what's wrong with us? Why aren't we happy already,
what is missing, what will complete us, what is the fulfilling step that will
take us toward an endless happiness -something that we never actually achieve
with that kind of thinking- why do we spend our time mourning and moping about
events that happened or might happen and make it ruin our day, our mood, and
sometimes ruin our life, cause we can't seem to be able to enjoy any of it at
Everyday on my way to work, I observe people's
expressions while driving their cars to work or wherever, and 99% of the time
people are either frowning or having a blank expression on their faces. Why? Why
do make our lives miserable with our own hands.
Life is hard? So what !! not just for you.
You've been knocked down? So What !! you can
and should get up.
You've been betrayed many times to care to
count? So What !! no one is pure in this life, not even yourself, so get over
You hate your job. So What !! It is a mean not
an end.
People have the wrong idea about you. So what
!! you live with the standards that you set, not theirs.
You've lost your way? So What !! who said it
has to be a direct route toward your goal, or that your plan is the best for
Someone dear to you died? So What !! this is
the cycle of life, we are all gonna die someday. not a surprise BTW
So what !! you're alive, and still have some
breath in you, so why waste them bringing yourself down. You're the own source
of your power, you're the ignition to your fulfilling your dreams.
So what !! So what is stopping you !!!!!!
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