Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just A Thought; Part 2

I've read a blog post by a friend of mine, it was talking about death, it reminded me of something that I've been meaning to publish.

The VoICe WHiThin:  Death and all his friends:


The idea of death IS the only fact that there is to be sure about in life, and everyone can look at it from a different perspective:
There are those who embrace the fact that they'll one day die, and so they do their best because they know the end will be the same.
And there are those who are driven by the same conclusion, only to a different direction, that since the destination will always be the grave, then what's the reason or the purpose of even trying, what's the drive to make you want to get up out of bed everyday, what will make you want to enhance your life and the also the life of those affected by yours.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So What !!

Why do people get depressed? This is not a sarcastic question. Why do WE get depressed? Why do we waste a considerable amount of our time wondering what's wrong with us? Why aren't we happy already, what is missing, what will complete us, what is the fulfilling step that will take us toward an endless happiness -something that we never actually achieve with that kind of thinking- why do we spend our time mourning and moping about events that happened or might happen and make it ruin our day, our mood, and sometimes ruin our life, cause we can't seem to be able to enjoy any of it at all.

Everyday on my way to work, I observe people's expressions while driving their cars to work or wherever, and 99% of the time people are either frowning or having a blank expression on their faces. Why? Why do make our lives miserable with our own hands.

Life is hard? So what !!  not just for you.
You've been knocked down? So What !! you can and should get up.
You've been betrayed many times to care to count? So What !! no one is pure in this life, not even yourself, so get over it.
You hate your job. So What !! It is a mean not an end.
People have the wrong idea about you. So what !! you live with the standards that you set, not theirs.
You've lost your way? So What !! who said it has to be a direct route toward your goal, or that your plan is the best for yourself.
Someone dear to you died? So What !! this is the cycle of life, we are all gonna die someday. not a surprise BTW
So what !! you're alive, and still have some breath in you, so why waste them bringing yourself down. You're the own source of your power, you're the ignition to your fulfilling your dreams.

So what !! So what is stopping you !!!!!!

People Type I

This type is seriously present in many of the situations that we face, actually in our life and in our daily routine.

Allow me to demonstrate:
You’re in a public transportation and playing with your mobile or reading something, and half the people within vision area are sharing what you're doing with you, you're speaking on the phone with someone and you find a sympathetic ear that wants to contribute to your problem that you didn't want to share.

YES, you've guessed it right. It’s the nosey type, being called different names through different situations and different eras; Eavesdropper, intrusive, snooper…. etc.
What’s wrong with this person?
This person tends to interfere with other people's life without their permission or desire, and sometimes actually against people's wishes, leading -most of the time- to discomfort to the person whose life they are complicating.
This person can sometimes get toughened up by others and hear very unpleasant things.

And as always there's an upside, so what's GOOD about this person?
Their curiosity always enriches their knowledge -though it may not be of great benefit to them-

So they mingle, and interfere and waste time, sometimes they mean well, but that doesn't stop it from being annoying and it also doesn't stop them for interfering